Returning JOOTB Member?


Finding your BLISS without the Disabling effects of Alcohol ~ ~ ~ THAT is the Mission!

Together we will navigate an Alcohol-Free Life!

This movement was designed specifically for the Woman who is on her spiritual path and she knows that Alcohol is blocking her!

She is career~entrepreneurial minded, she is devoted to living her best life, and she is a badass in so many ways…yet she feels STUCK, not quite herself, & she KNOWS that something is ‘off’.

Yet…she does not want to go to AA or call herself an Alcoholic.

If this Resonates and you’re ready to WAKE UP from the Fever Dream you’ve been stuck in…

Begin your Journey out of the Bottle today!

JOOTB is a 4 week guided tour to living a more blissful life without Alcohol.

In this journey, you will receive a whole new outlook on the Alcohol Free lifestyle!!

Even if your life is ‘manageable’ with alcohol coursing through your mind, body, and spirit ~ I promise you will uplevel in ways you can’t even imagine once it’s gone.

Each Week will include an arsenal filled with shiny new and effective tools for building an alcohol-free life!!

Together, we will integrate these tools to build your Maximum Potential.

What You Will Receive

Welcome To YOUR Journey out of the Bottle

  • Every Tuesday we meet as a group where Melissa will provide live guidance around the week's module topic and do live coaching!

  • During your first week of JOOTB you will meet 1:1 with Melissa for a coaching on intentions and releasing shame around drinking! We will use this session as a cleanse to clear the slate for real healing! You will recieve a second 1:1 coaching during your 4th week of the program.

    **You can always purchase a coaching package for more 1:1 sessions or upgrade to the VIP program for a dedicated sponsorship WhatsApp direct messaging during your 4-week program. **

  • Each week you will have access through the JOOTB portal to a comprehensive module with deep dives into the topic as well as journaling, prompts, exercises and tools for support!

    Also included each week is a Video module covering that week's topics.

  • Group Chat + Think Tank Incubator + Virtual and In-Person FUN

    The entre JOOTB community will meet and be connected throughout the program and beyond through our private FaceBook portal.

  • Here we will have a group community (via FaceBook) where Melissa will be actively supporting on Monday, Wednesday & Friday with support tools and prompts for thriving throughout the week.

    A place to share celebrations, wins, epiphanies, struggles and support.

  • Get Unlimited Access to Melissa for support through your 4-week JOOTB program! Via What'sApp, you can rely on Melissa as your personal sponsor to 'quick-coach' you.

    Additional $1,111

    Also includes a free Wellness Kit.

  • Referrals, Introductions, Appointments for ALL OF YOUR WELLNESS needs and self-care.

    Sound healing? Tantric Massage? Ketamine therapy, Retreats, Meditation, Nutrition, Herbalism, Chiropractor, Accupuncture, ...and much much more!

    Additional $$ for this customized service!

4-week program


VIP program


Invest in Yourself…

the ROI will be 10-fold

Have you calculated what your annual spend around alcohol might be costing you?

Let’s do a quick calculation

Average Daily Spend: $15

x 5 days of drinking: $75

x 52 weeks: **$4,000

My guess is if you’re here, that is a very conservative estimate!!

*basing this $ on a mid-tier bottle of wine, estimated at 5 bottles per week for at-home consumption.

**My intake and at-home spend was significantly more than that!

Let’s not foget these expenses, losses & implication costs

Uber/Lyft Rides?

Lost Productivity for Work?

Restaurant / Bar Tabs?

Forgotten Meetings or Appointments?

Replacement of Lost/Broken Items?

Parties and Gatherings expenses?

$ $ $ $ $

See below for a peek at the curriculum!


See below for a peek at the curriculum! 〰️

WEEK 1: The Science - Disabling Effects of Alcohol

This week will uncover the hidden truths around ALL alcohol usage and reveal the effects and impacts from the physical plane.

How alcohol affects your body & mind.  Facts that are hidden or very difficult to find.  Most of the ‘warnings’ out there are geared toward pregnancy/nursing and underage.  But the physical and cognitive impacts on the rest of society place the burden of responsibility on the ‘consumer’.  If things go wrong there, it’s “OUR” fault for not being able to “handle our liquor” ….or that we now have a disease!!!??!!

Ultimately - you’ll learn just how much higher your baseline will elevate.  You will realize just how capable, functional, productive, clear, aware you are by removing this toxic substance! You will receive support and resources to create new habits and practices for finding the bliss, journal prompts to building a new mindset, meditations and community.

By the end of this module, participants will understand: 

  • the comprehensive health impacts of alcohol on the body and mind

  • the hidden truths about the addictive Nature of Alcohol

  • WHAT WILL IMPROVE after quitting!!

  • an arsenal for Replacement & what to do instead

WEEK 2: Revealing the Untruths, Myths & Stigmas

In this module we will discover the opposite of A.A. ways we can empower ourselves against the messages and blame that surround drinking alcohol..  

We will demystify and reprogram around the “Alcohol- Free” lifestyle.

There is the “Gray Area” of alcohol use - that it’s normalized and life seems manageable,-ish with it. And worse, stopping seems maybe like a more difficult thing to do because of the fear of rejection, stigma, labels and punitive rules and requirements around “Sobriety”. 

We will also reveal the never-ending barrage of pushing and permission that surrounds us about the “Okay-ness” for using Alcohol as a social lubricant, a stress reliever, an enhancement; i.e. If it’s all so Okay…why do we not feel, look, act our best?  

Rising Up as the Feminine against Alcohol: How it’s Pushed on Us and How it Keeps us Asleep!!

By the end of this module, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify & Combat common myths and untruths about alcohol consumption. 

  • Understand how alcohol manufacturers specifically target women - glamorizing false sophistication and sexyness for “permissive” acceptance

  • Critically assess alcohol-related information and make empowered choices. 

WEEK 3: Removing Spiritual Blockages of Alcohol

This week will reveal the journey through the spiritual and energetic upleveling without the disconnecting implications of alcohol. Together we will delve into the effects alcohol has on your vibrational frequency. How it blocks your ability to attain or manifest not only the desires that are just within reach, but also the magic that you cannot even imagine because it’s hidden by the veil of limiting spirits.

Understand the dilution of your potential. Reveal the blocks to your essence & inherent gifts that may be lying dormant - ready to be unlocked.

Realize your Potential and Actually get Capable to Receive ~ Simply removing Alcohol will change everything! 

By the end of this module, participants will have: 

  • A clear understanding of the spiritual impacts:  how “spirits” cut off your connection to Self and Universe.

  • Clarity around “Dumbing Down” and Realignment to Purpose

  • Participants will gain a full toolbelt with valuable practices to plant, cultivate, evolve and enhance their spiritual, emotional, and universal consciousness and connections. 

  • Confidence and Self Trust around the Possibilities Available - Which will lead directly into Week 4 of Integration! 

WEEK 4: Embracing Your New Lifestyle Choice

This module provides the map and compass to embark on your new journey of a transformative life through alignment to self and the collective. We will build our toolboxes with effective practices and tools and perhaps dust off some existing aspects that we already have to build a whole new life and way in which we show up in it!

Revealing and Removing the inauthentic layers that alcohol has hidden, you can allow your true self to emerge.

By the end of this module, you'll have a clearer understanding of your worth, the confidence to manifest from a place of authenticity, and the knowledge to take actions that are in true alignment with your desires.

This is a crucial step towards living a life free from alcohol and full of purpose.

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • Identify and embrace your genuine desires separate from societal expectations. 

  • Recognize the inauthentic layers that alcohol has hidden and remove them. 

  • Understand your worth and build confidence in manifesting from a place of authenticity. 

  • Take actions that align with your true desires and new lifestyle choices. 

  • Develop and utilize effective tools and practices for sustained transformation.

4-Week JOOTB Program
One time

✓ 1 Live Group Call per Week
✓ 1-Hour Private Coaching with Melissa
✓ Weekly Modules + Educational Videos
✓ Group Chat + Think Tank Incubator + FUN
4-Week JOOTB Program - VIP
One time

✓ All benefits included in the 4-Week JOOTB Program
✓ Direct access to Melissa via WhatsApp
✓ Complimentary JOOTB Kit included
Coaching Package - 4 Hours
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Coaching Package - 4 Hours

You get four 1-hour coaching sessions with Melissa via a virtual (audio and video) session.

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Alcohol Replacement Wellness Kit
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Alcohol Replacement Wellness Kit

Filled with 3 Herbal Supplement Formulas that will support your body, mind, & spirit. Adaptogenic liquid herbal formulations that promote sleep, uplift mood, and reduce stress & anxiety. Also includes a silky eye-mask for meditation & sleep and a power-inducing essential oil.

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Join JOOTB for a whole new outlook on living an Alcohol-Free life.

We will EMPOWER ourselves through a lens of how great life is without this pervasive poison distorting and disabling us from living our fullest potential.

We will never use disempowering labels such as “Alcoholic” or “Powerless”

This “Movement” is the Opposite of AA!!